E-T-A protects lives and assets
Our goal is to protect lives and assets by our actions and with our products. We achieve this by using the given resources responsibly and we seek to preserve an environment worth living in. We want to preserve the same opportunities that we had for future generations.
E-T-A and Ecovadis
We are proud of the results that we have achieved on our way so far and are happy about the silver medal from Ecovadis. Ecovadis is one of the leading providers worldwide for sustainability ratings. This sustainability rating includes the topics environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

"The private sector is an indispensable partner to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. Enterprises can contribute within the context of their core business.
We therefore call on companies around the world to survey the impact of their actions, set ambitious targets and communicate their progress transparently."
Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations
E-T-A supports the Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the United Nations (UN) formulated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). These 17 sustainability goals are addressed to the challenges of sustainable development on our planet.
E-T-A has committed themselves to contribute to reaching these goals through their sustainability management according to the Environment Social Governance (ESG). The following pictures of the 17 SDG serve as an overview of the milestones that we have already achieved on our way to becoming a sustainable company.
Learn more
You can download our actions to implement the goals for a sustainable development as pdf.